In this classic mode of instruction, students and faculty are physically present in the same space for the duration of the course. For Fall 2020, this mode requires modifications to accommodate COVID-19 guidelines and requirements.
Presentation-style lectures continue as normal.
COVID Modifications
- Record classes for students who may not be able to attend. Contact Behrend ITS for assistance with classroom technology.
- Use instructor microphones to be heard through masks. Contact Behrend ITS for assistance with classroom technology.
- Plan accordingly, given that physical classrooms are larger than normal (and with fewer students) to accommodate social distancing.
In-class Activities
In-class activities, completed individually or in small groups, continue to engage students and utilize the available resources of the classroom.
COVID Modifications
- Observe social distancing.
- Eliminate (or allow on a limited basis) sharing of hardware, paper, and other equipment
- Use online collaborative tools (e.g., Google docs, Piazza, Office365) to facilitate small group electronic discussions or electronic exercises if small group discussions are too difficult.
Group Work
Group work continues to bring students together to meet various learning objectives during class or outside of class.
COVID Modifications
- Observe social distancing for in-class work on team projects.
- Eliminate (or allow on a limited basis) sharing of hardware, paper, and other equipment.
- Provide or suggest online group collaboration spaces to encourage social distancing outside of class.
- Facilitate student group formation, collaboration, and team-building with assignments and technical tools (such as Canvas, Microsoft Teams, Box, CATME, Google docs, etc.).
The development of quizzes, exams, and other assignments continue to measure student learning.
COVID Modifications
- Avoid handing out or collecting papers and other items in class.
- Consider how quizzes, exams, and other assignments can be collected and feedback returned electronically. See Adobe Scan.
- Eliminate (or allow on a limited basis) sharing of hardware, paper, and other equipment.
- Assign students to record class project presentations outside of class, piecing together individual video segments using Zoom or Kaltura.
Participation in class activities supports overall success in the class.
COVID Modifications
- If requiring attendance, the attendance policy may require some nuance to provide flexibility for those who experience COVID-19-related absences.
- Consider using online discussion forums, rather than daily attendance, to monitor participation.