In this month’s podcast recommendation, we are sharing a podcast from the archives (July 2019). This episode is from the Getting Smart Podcast and features Dr. Scott McLeod, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership at the University of Colorado Denver. The episode can be found on the Getting Smart Website for the episode or below.

This episode features Dr. McLeod who discusses the Four Shifts Protocol, a discussion protocol meant to help educators have conversations about how to promote deeper learning, greater student agency, more authentic work, and infusing technology. Each of these four areas has a series of reflective questions to help guide instructors toward redesign of existing assignments.  The series of questions in each category also provide a lot of flexibility in its application. It can applied to just one assignment, one course, or across the curriculum.

Dr. McLeod  and his co-author Julie Graber have a book available that gives more of the context and examples of applications of the four shifts protocol called, Harnessing Technology for Deeper Learning. While much of the work has focused on using the protocol in elementary and secondary settings, the protocol is easily adaptable to higher education learning and classrooms as well.

If you are interested in having further conversations about the four shifts protocol, we are looking for participants for a Faculty Circle for the Spring 2023 semester. Please contact Dani McCauley at if interested in participating.