In this month’s podcast recommendation, we are sharing a podcast from The Ed Up Experience Podcast. The host of this podcast, Dr.Joe Sallustio, interviews people from all sectors related to higher education to discuss the latest trends and other insights from the brightest minds in higher education.

The episode we recommend for this month is Episode 486 titled The Real World of College with Dr. Howard Garner. In this episode, Dr. Garner shares his research on the perspectives on the purpose of higher education that he found through interviewing constituents of higher education. He interviewed students, families, faculty, administrators, and more. He shares that by interviewing these various people they found four mental models that constituents have about college. 

The first model is that it is the natural next step after high school. It is just what you do. 

The second model is transactional (which many students and families thought of). This viewpoint is that students attend college to get a degree that will lead them to a job. 

The next is transformational (which most faculty and administrators think of). In this model, the student is fundamentally changed and becomes a different person in some ways than they were before their college experience. 

The final model is exploratory, which focuses on college as a once in a life opportunity to learn new things. 

He highlights the disparity between the transactional model that students focus on versus the transformational model that faculty and administrators believe is the goal of higher education. What we ask is that as you think about these models, which do you think your classroom and instruction support? In what ways can you help students to see the college experience as more than a transactional experience?

This is just one part of the conversation captured in this episode. To hear more, use the link below.

Have a podcast you’d like to recommend?  Let us know!